Bakış Textile is in Europe market since 1993. Our company wants to create a world trademark, we give since in world standart and develop ourselves contuniously, so we are in one of the best companies in terms of import in Germany. We take our clients attraction with our original and modern collection.

The Bakış will keep its place as a shining star of the sector. Our clients are bulk suppliers from all European countries.
We serve in the best way as far as we can with our 2400 m2 sales store. Our vision, quality, creativeness, flexibility and beliefs on the country we live and tle belief obout Turkey's bright future make us stronger.

We use the best quality raw material and give high importance to human and environmental health. We can easily answer the clients demands about motif, colour and design and provide their demands with a high care. Our aim is to provide products which are the World's fashion and in the world standart. And to develop day by day refreshing ourselves.